The Wild Exchange staff and participants are to role model pleasant, kind, honest, and clear language at all times. Swearing, yelling, name calling, and bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Ongoing breaches, as deemed by staff, may result in parents being asked to leave.
Upon booking online, all parents/guardian's will be given the option to consent to having their photos taken and used for online marketing of The Wild Exchange. Images/videos of children whose parent/guardian have consented to the release of their images, will only be shared by staff of The Wild Exchange in the promotion of The Wild Exchange only. Platforms include (but are not limited to) website, advertisements, and social media platforms. The identity of all children will not be shared in any public online settings, and all content captured will ensure appropriate clothing (fully clothed) children are captured. By agreeing to the code of conduct, parents/guardians also agree to only collect images/videos of their own children, and the use of cameras and the sharing of images is to be monitored for breaches by staff. Breaches to this policy, will result in the request of images being removed, and reported to authorities if necessary.
Children will be supervised by their parent or guardian at all times, and as a group by The Wild Exchange staff member. Group sizes will not exceed 10 children to ensure staff can safely supervise all children with their parent. Boundaries of each activity will be made clear at the beginning of each group. Children will be assisted with illness, toileting, eating, dressing, or other close contact tasks, by their parent or legal guardian only. The group will stay together and staff will not be 1 on 1 without that child's parent or guardian present at any time. In the event of a parent needing to step away for a moment, staff will keep their child with the rest of the group in clear sight to all other group members. Close contact between non-caregiving adults and a child (i.e. staff member or the parent of another child) will be discouraged unless it is required to instruct or demonstrate an activity, or deemed necessary to prevent the child from harm.
At The Wild Exchange, parents/guardians will be held responsible for the behaviour management of their child and staff will not interfere with their methods, unless there is a clear negative impact on the physical, emotional, or psychological wellbeing of other children. In the event of a staff member needing to intervene, staff will as a first point of call, point and remind parent and child of The Wild Exchange's ground rules to be kind to one another, kind to nature, and to stay together with the group to keep safe. If the incident requires further action, staff will separate the offending child/parent with an alternate activity to the rest of the group, and discuss the matter privately at the end of the session.
In the event a child or parent arrives with an illness, they will be asked to reschedule their class and return when they are well to ensure the wellbeing of all other participants. No refund will be offered in this instance. In the event of an incident or injury that requires first aid or medical support, the staff member will administer first aid and ask another adult to call for medical help if required. If the incident interrupts more than 30minutes of the session, all participants will be offered a rescheduling free of charge. All staff have current childcare first aid and CPR qualifications, and the first aid kit remains stocked and on hand at all times.
The Wild Exchange is strictly a non-smoking environment. It is expected that all staff and parents/guardians will be alcohol and drug free at all times. In the event the staff member suspects a parent or guardian may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will request that the parent and child sit out of activities and seek alternate transport home. No refund will be offered in this instance.